I use the latest full frame camera equipment along with specialised wide angle lenses to showcase your property in its best form. I want my clients to see the most accurate representation of their property; and I want their clients to look at the photos and be able to visualise living/staying there, even before seeing the property with their own eyes.
Every home is different and I will always go that extra mile to capture those little details that make your property stand out from the rest.
Whether you’re a private seller, an estate agent or renting your property for holiday lets; I am able to cater for all. For us to give you the best possible quote please fill out the form below so I can understand your requirements and I will get back to you on the same day. Or if you wish you can email me directly at info@drewmcdonald.photography or call me on 07761560860.
Contact Form
Drew's ability to get on so well with everyone at our events allowed him to capture images that no other photographer has in the past, we will never work with anyone else again.